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Agostino Sibillo

After obtaining doctorates in Philosophy, Computer Software Engineering and Criminal Law - the latter at the prestigious Aldo Moro University of Bari - Agostino Sibillo migrated to the United States, where he invented numerous cloud computing and multitasking applications that are now being used by approximately 95% of the companies employing Internet applications. Mr. Sibillo also holds several patents in Augmented Reality, a field that allows for enhanced interactive experiences by using objects located in the real world, combining features of real and virtual markets, and offering real-time interactions. Amazon produced a documentary on him entitled "Advancements" - available on Amazon Prime Videos - which was hosted by well-known actor Ted Danson, while the Italian National Broadcasting Corporation RAI and many other television channels in other countries worldwide have dedicated several reports and stories on him and his inventions. Marquis Who's Who recognized Agostino "Ago" Sibillo, CEO of Spychatter Inc., Top Scientists for his dedication, achievements and leadership in technologic innovation. In 2015, Mr. Sibillo turned his attention to cryptography, inventing Spychatter Inc., an application that uses Augmented Reality to allow people to securely communicate with each other, send and receive photographs, and post geotagged content such as pictures, videos and comments enhanced with geo-identification metadata. This app has the great advantage of allowing its users to be more secure and not fear unauthorized eavesdropping. Mr. Sibillo believes that his success comes from his nonstop work and from never giving up in the presence of an obstacle, and he proudly states that the only obstacles that people face in their lives are the ones they themselves create. Recently, he has focused on new ideas and inventions aimed at supporting the healthcare industry. For the future, he is planning to dedicate himself to a new way of sharing information and browsing the web no longer based on the current Internet protocols and networks, but rather resorting to "pure energy" – a concept for which he has filed for a patent for laser light transmission. He has been a Plenary Speaker at the 17th World Congress of Public Health.

Reasons for assigning the Award

The Prize has been bestowed on Agostino Sibillo as a heartfelt tribute to a lawyer and computer engineer who - in his own way - is a 4.0 “dissident” committed to clarifying the inner meaning of the "new world order" of the "frightful five" (Google, Facebook, Amazon , Microsoft and Apple), and what this new world order can produce. Being “the father” of the Cloud, Mr. Sibillo is in favor of its dissolution, to switch to a generalized protocol employing an encrypted cloud computer system based on quantum science, thus allowing computers to have a 360° approach without predefined options. The algorithms created though a logical process based on quantum theories would thus defeat the growing monopoly of the current systems that constantly follow us and exactly know where we are and what we are doing at all times. He denounced the dangers of centralizing the servers in the hands of very few companies, which restricts the freedom of research and experimentation, as the cleverest scientists end up working for such companies thus being influenced by their missions and visions. In Mr. Sibillo’s opinion, instead of being a resource for humanity as it should have been, the computer science revolution has actually become an asset only for the few who earn profits by exploiting our data. He actually believes that a monopoly is being created that centralizes the different levels of the internet (infrastructures, governance, and social economy) with a logic of financial gain. Sibillo has opened a window into a fascinating field of research - the quantum science – that is still full of uncertainties. Moreover, he has promoted and continues to support innumerable initiatives of solidarity and cooperation in Italy and abroad. He is a shining example of professionalism for young people, who are stimulated by his ability to convey interest and passion.


Conferimento Premio Internazionale per la cultura "Vissi d'Arte Cittą di Alcamo"


Amici della Musica
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